Ridge to River Resources
A lot of resources and data went into Ridge to River's planning processes - and now many resources are coming out.
A Framework for Action on Stormwater
Between September 2015 and May 2016, the Taskforce worked with Stone Environmental to review the five towns’ existing municipal planning landscape (including plans, policy, and on-the-ground practices) related to stormwater runoff. The goal was to identify inconsistencies, gaps, and opportunities for strengthening these controls in order to have a positive impact on water quality and flood resilience.
GIS Analysis for Private Roads & DevelopmentsWatershed Consulting Associates helped Ridge to River hone in on the sub watersheds and planned developments with the greatest need for action on stormwater runoff. This GIS analysis and memo presents the analysis of needs and opportunities to address stormwater throughout the watershed.
EPA Smart Growth Implementation Assistance ReportIn the wake of Tropical Storm Irene, this EPA technical assistance program reviewed policies and opportunities to improve flood resilience in the Mad River Valley. Two major conclusions were the importance of managing stormwater, and the importance of working together across town boundaries.
Resilience Booklets
For the 5th Anniversary of Tropical Storm Irene, Ridge to River produced a series of booklets highlighting examples and strategies that are already working to increase resilience and improve water quality in the Mad River Valley.
Model LID/GSI Bylaw for the Mad River Valley TownsOne of the earliest projects for the Planning & Technical team was to create a model low impact development and green stormwater infrastructure bylaw specifically geared toward the five towns in the Mad River Valley. This model bylaw can be adapted and adopted by the towns to help manage sources of runoff and encourage green stormwater infrastructure in development projects that have so far largely gone unregulated.
Town Road Access & Drainage White PaperIn the wake of new state road standards, there are increasing opportunities and needs for managing runoff from roads. The Ridge to River Planning & Technical team worked with the Vermont League of Cities and Towns to produce this white paper on municipal planning strategies for addressing road runoff.
5-Town Meeting PresentationsFor three years now, the Selectboards and various other municipal boards of all five towns have met together once a year to share challenges and opportunities for working together. Ridge to River has offered presentations on stormwater and resilience for those 5-town meetings each year.
Sugarbush Lunch & Learn PresentationCommunity members came together at this informal lunch event to learn about the Ridge to River initiative and resilience issues in the Mad River Valley. It attracted a strong crowd of professionals and leaders to discuss challenges across sectors.