Since 2015, the Ridge to River Coalition has found success supporting strategic clean water and flood resilience actions in the Mad River Valley. In addition to fostering communication and collaboration across the watershed – among planning commissions, selectboards, road crews, and engaged community members – the 5-town coalition laid the foundation for the Storm Smart program and ongoing stormwater mitigation planning and construction efforts.
In 2021, members of the coalition came together to recognize the strong ties between clean water, flood resilience, and the broader picture of how this Valley may be impacted from a changing climate. Seeing an opportunity to use their established 5-town structure and their experience doing excellent flood resilience planning and turning it into action, the group considered broadening their scope. In 2022, Ridge to River participants will consider next steps as they seek to adapt and craft a vision and plan for climate resilience in the Mad River Valley. A critical part of this effort is the inclusion of broad and diverse voices and ideas. Are you interested in joining with neighbors across our 5-town watershed as part of the Ridge to River Coalition and working together to build our community’s resilience to climate change? Learn more about Ridge to River's past work by visiting Ridge To River - Friends of The Mad River and take the first step towards helping to define what work comes next by contacting us at [email protected]. |
Friendsof the Mad River Archives
December 2024
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